Together on the journey to meaningful creations!

We connect people, projects and stories to develop prime solutions for a community that questions the standard. We:
  • pass on the things that have shaped us
  • embrace change and diversity, interdisciplinarity and multiculturalism
  • celebrate the joie de vivre
  • enhance self confidence and the power to change one’s environment, mindset and business
  • create communities
  • give our best to inspire

Feel the benefit of our community!
We are here to break down boundaries and grow through constant networking.

Get in touch, we speak the following languages:
| English | German | French | Spanish | Luxembourgish | Romanian | Italian |

Instagram: pangea.matters
[email protected]



academics: master of laws, human rights, forensics and criminology

expertise: startups, foundation-work, cultural diversity

superpower: consulting, networking, flexibility-mobility


academics: master of laws, human rights, forensics and criminology
expertise: startups, foundation-work, cultural diversity
superpower: consulting, networking, flexibility-mobility


academics: master of architecture

expertise: architecture, interior design, graphics

superpower: creativity, analysis, concepts 


academics: master of architecture
expertise: architecture, interior design, graphics
superpower: creativity, analysis, concepts


We accompany you and your business on the road to purposeful decisions. 

Empowering and unleashing one’s full potential is our passion. 

PANGEAmatters understands the unique challenges and opportunities that individuals and businesses face in today’s dynamic environment. 

Main areas of focus:  
  • Business management
  • Organizational development
  • Change management
  • Self development
  • Corporate identity

We provide our clients with the necessary time and space to analyse and navigate their challenges and achieve their personal and professional goals. We take the time to understand your unique circumstances and objectives. Therefore, we are able to provide tailored recommendations that align with your vision.

Our goal is to become your trusted advisor, providing ongoing support and guidance as you navigate the ever-changing business landscape.

we believe PANGEAmatters !

Instagram: pangea.matters
[email protected]


The beauty of design and architecture is our daily business.


We have more than 10 years of experience in renowned Swiss offices, working on:
  • private houses, offices as well as cultural, sports and gastronomic facilities
  • concept development, feasibility studies, schematic design, design development, building permits, detail planing
  • interior design concepts and cost estimations
  • renovation and new buildings

We believe that diversity and interdisciplinarity are of crucial importance for creativity:
  • solid community and networking
  • collaborating with professionals from various working fields
  • high and exclusive quality through our professional backgrounds
  • influence of international materials and designs
  • innovative thinking
  • loving attention to detail
  • personalized and authentic services

We are thrilled to collaborate with other architects and designers! Whenever you find yourself in need of powerful support, don’t hesitate to contact us:
  • we provide temporary support in your competitions
  • we offer drawing and planning assistance in all project phases
Let’s work together to create powerful designs!

Instagram: pangea.matters
[email protected]